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Cultural Terrorism

Published at Oct 7, 2023

This is a term I am quite found of, it means (to me) breaking apart culture to it’s root components, removing all the abstractions and obfuscations and showing the world for how silly it is. I think I will start identifying with it.

I am coming back to this note and I do feel like it has new meaning. Yes as the little Nietzsche loving teen I am I would love to become my own Übermensch, and I don’t thinking that thinking pattern will ever leave me. However no matter how dialectical I try and be, how many cultural phenomena I pull apart for it’s history, contradiction, dependencies or even validity society is often right. As aristotle reminds us both extreme on x opinion are vices, the middle way or the mean is the path to virtue. Societies are not often right, but for some things, the natural course of history may be better at finding the mean than my measly little brain.

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